Thursday, October 22, 2009

Writing a Novel? Again?

Some years ago, I spent one year writing a mystery novel. I loved it and had great fun. My husband was kind enough to provide me space and time to complete the work. Needless to say, when it was finally reviewed by a professional, it wasn't so hot.

The urge to write that work (that I only recently decided was no longer worth holding onto) was just another phase of my writing urges. I have written poems, journals, diaries, essays, short stories, novellas, since I was seven years old and probably one of my sisters gave me a lovely pink covered diary with the little lock that could be picked by a three-year-old. It's not like I have not met with some success in my writing: reciting my poetry in Arizona; being published in scholarly, academic journals. But never my fiction -- and that is what I have decided to attack in November.

The National Novel Writing Month ( ) is a non-profit organization where ANY writer can participate in an effort to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. The organization supports young writers (and adult writers) programs and actively encourages donations from participants and sponsors. So, that is my goal: to complete a 50,000 word Young Adult novel about two bi-racial sisters who are trying to understand who and what they are in a world with ethnic and cultural complexities -- the melting pot, if you will.

I'm spending this time, at the end of October, trying to outline the novel. In order to meet the criteria of 50,000 words by the end of November, one needs to complete 1,667 words each day. Considering that I will absolutely have to cook for Thanksgiving, it's important I know where I'm headed. The Web site allows participants in various international regions to connect and plan get togethers, like Kick-Off Parties and Write-Ins. At least then you know you are not alone in your insanity.

Oh, the title of this entry refers to my darling sister-in-law who likes to say, "You're writing a novel? Again?"

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